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2003-04-28 --- 20:08

Dear, Dear, Dear, Santa Part 2

Tonight yer DiaristO�Record was searching his notebook computer for a document and found last year�s Verbatim Letter To Kris Kringle From DaKiddo�

And it made him laugh and smile so much that youse guys get to be the next target of all this grinning.

The text was spoken by DaSon 12 days before this DairyLand (sic) experience began� Excuse DisSaucePerson for his overweening need to share bits of his son with anyone who wanders past. Tomorrow night, I�ll try to remember to tell you this morning�s Seat Belt Conversation From A Six Weeks To Age Six Kid.


Dear Santa,

How are you doing?

Is your reindeers OK?

I been a great guy this year. I go to Waldorf School now. I�m taking swimming lessons. I�m good at dat. I�ve been good this year. Extra super good!

I do like Christmas.

I�m thinking about what to say.

Dear Santa,

I�d really like some stuff for Christmas. I have tried to be swell.

You live in the North Pole, Right?

Here�s my list that I was going to tell you. Thank you Mr. Santa.

May I please, have:

A copy of Dance Dance Revolution Max. May I please have the new one. I think it is on the PlayStation 2. May I please have it hooked up on Christmas day after I open it?

May I please have it with the lights flashing with the rainbow colors and the arrows on it and not use the regular controller instead? And I don�t need a TV with it�please.

Rollerskates and pads, please? No. Wait. Change that to a skateboard please. I�ll wear my helmet and pads each time I try it so�s I can be safe. I promise that I�ll have that stuff on and I�ll sleep well every night so I sleep well and get rest so I can use it.

I�d like new shoes please, with the board and I�ll learn to use them together.

I want new books please. We have lots of books, but we are already reading them again sometimes and they are good but new books are new. And I, please may I have a costume for Halloween next year?

I�d like to have a lab coat on, please.

I promise.

Please may I have a picture for my room? I�d like a neat BettyBoopBoopPeeDoop picture. Please, may I have it?

Please may I learn how to use my alarm on my cd clock? I�ll stay in bed to use it. We can make it for just after the crack of dawn.

You can pick some other stuff if you like.

Oh. And the stockings. I�d love them sooo much if you filled mine.

Thank you for being a jolly gift giving guy. Hey! That�s �literation, Dad.

And you have a good night.

And you have a good Christmas too. That�s it.

Do fly carefully, OK?

Call me [KiddoNickNameHere].

That�s it. Hey! He checks on us.

We�re done.

2 comments so far
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