
Nikki - 2003-03-09 19:34:58
Does make you wonder where they find these parents, hmm? Must be one of the reasons the Children's Protective Agencies are still functioning at such a cruddy level. Fodder for the dysfunctional study programs. Yay. n.
Cruel-Irony - 2003-03-09 20:20:06
In regards to the Weird Link of the Day... "The Breakfast From Hell"? I think I just experienced abject horror mixed with extreme hilarity. 64 grams of fat? For that alone, it should be absolutely delicious and addictively attractive. To say the least. Oh, and I'm glad he identified the eggs as I didn't recognize them as such.
ProwlingLeo - 2003-03-09 22:15:00
Just proving to you that I am included in the nutballs! I really do love this diary...and secretly kill the teletubbies in my sleep!
Ali - 2003-03-10 02:30:16
Hey Sauce! thanks for note. i wrote you back--on my page, not being entirely clear of the comment etiquette here... sorry the browser crashed on you. try again? Oh, and regarding your entry tonight--shall we just say thank you and we miss you to mr. fred rogers one more time?
amberfalls - 2003-03-10 10:21:35
Let's just stick that one in the duh file shall we?
Prowlingleo - 2003-03-10 16:21:07
Thanks again for your sweet yet undeserved words. I've solved my problem though I think. We'll talk later ;)

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