
KatieLou - 2003-03-16 02:39:04
Moldy hay?? Eeewwwwww... *shudder* (sorry, was having a little moment there)... I think I may still have my Anarchist's Cookbook packed away somewhere, would probably be fairly entertaining now - my grandma saw it once and I just remember her telling me she was glad I had a cookbook, no matter what kind of food it was! hehehe!
KatieD - 2003-03-16 05:21:22
I remember when cd's came out and they were close to twice the price of vinyl. Even working in a record store, I did not get a good price on cd's, and the refrain was that they were new, and once they'd been around a while, they'd be cheaper than vinyl. Because for one thing, they were (and are) less expensive to make. Uh-huh. That was then, and vinyl is gone, and cd's are still too motherf'in' expensive. Sony can Kiss. My. Ass. kd
katied - 2003-03-16 05:22:38
actually, not sony. (oops) but all the other guys can. kd, the red-faced girl
Trance - 2003-03-16 10:12:40
So digging the stories. Seriously. -Trance, who has been shot in the ass with a BB gun, has engaged in bottle rocket wars, and has fallen out of many a tree. And has also tried tobogganing with very limited success. Scars rock.
DaSauceOfMold - 2003-03-16 10:50:45
At some point I do have to detail stuff like skitching on sleds and snowmobiles, driving those things across ponds in the summer, stupid folks I thumbed rides with... (shudder) and being shot at for the first time in Beirut... But I am done with those things for now... I need to drop a recipe, do a rant, have some pithy parenting moments, and act introspective or something.
Nikki - 2003-03-16 11:51:26
Ok you..thanks so much for giving me a hint at what my future as mom to two boys will be like!! We've run thru the Superman thing several times..but from bunkbeds, as my youngest is obsessed with him. Thankfully, we've avoided stitches and broken bones to this point but that's mainly cuz I'm a paranoid fruit :) Glad you're feeling better--do I get my answers soon, damnit? :P
Nikki - 2003-03-16 11:52:49
Actually, nix the last part about the be honest I don't think I even remember the flippin' questions (insert a laugh at self here)

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