
Jessica - 2003-04-03 23:24:35
"May I be frank?"..."Is that your name?"..."No, it's Godfrey."..."Allright, be Frank."...Hm...looks silly typed out...much funnier when you can see the maid and butler uniforms.
Jessica - 2003-04-03 23:24:53
"May I be frank?"..."Is that your name?"..."No, it's Godfrey."..."Allright, be Frank."...Hm...looks silly typed out...much funnier when you can see the maid and butler uniforms.
the pillar of useless knowledge - 2003-04-04 06:48:30
Same crow was in "It's a Wonderful Life," another Capra (Liberty) film; he played Uncle Billy's sidekick.
Carolina - 2003-04-04 16:07:32
hey DaSauce !! just giving you a "holla":) Hope everything is ok with you :-D have a grrrreeeeaaatttt weekend !
Rok - 2003-04-16 15:37:34
I think it's interesting that none of your diary pals have contacted me in regards to verifying the Sauce-i-ness of your sauce...

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