
Sin No More - 2003-02-14 01:01:24
It hurts my heart to see a child raised by a single parent. Accept Jesus as your savor and U might not drug your child to hell with U. He is a jar of clay. Muld him. Dont brake him or youl both burn in the fires.
Jehsika - 2003-02-14 06:07:28
Oh, come on, Ick away...we can take it! Okay, that was really funny in my head...
mangoprawns - 2003-02-14 06:42:22
ummmm, is the anonymous "sin no more" comment real? If I, as a single parent accept jesus as my savoury, will i then not drug my kids? If someone wants to preach at us single parents, could you please not hide your lights under bushells, otherwise how can we contact you in order to get saved?
DaSauce - 2003-02-14 08:53:08
I don't know if it is some sort of major faux-pas to comment about comments in my diary... but a reprint of a note to MangoPrawns seems appropriate. As thus: Dunno if it is real or one of our compatriots--but I'll give it this. Whether vertenly (or inad) it is funny as heck. My moldy-child and were looking for something to savor, and it wasn't drugs, but it might be in a jar. Damn. It was probably golf-widow, I wish I could trust those things... How can you spell sin properly and miss so many other words? Funny. Bestest atcha. Happy Hallmark Day!
golfwidow - 2003-02-14 10:10:01
Urgh. I'd never leave such a silly note in your comments. I'm fairly sure that Jesus wouldn't mind being your savior if you wanted Him to be, but a) I'm also fairly sure that he doesn't want to be the savior of anyone who got forced or peer-pressured into it, and b) if you try to use Him for "savor", He might be offended. I would, if I were He.

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