
rok - 2003-02-19 01:10:01
I can admire you from afar. A pity you are in the So Very SoCal - you are kinda ringing my bell... ;) Who ever she ends up being is a lucky duck.
Jessica - 2003-02-19 06:21:49
sweeite darling you are so totally any girl with a brain...aren't there any out there?
DaSauce - 2003-02-19 13:15:00
Sure, I'm datable! I could do that all day. It is finding the next long-term (ideally for that until we are really funny and smelly and drooly and wrinkled) human that is hard. Sheesh! Funny person. Like I want a date. Grin.
rok - 2003-02-19 17:44:34
Well hell! I want a date! With some 'Sauce on it! *evil grin* Mmmm, funny and drooly and smelly. We like smelly...
DaSauce - 2003-02-20 03:10:33
So, Rok? What you are saying is you wanna wait until I am 80, and drooling, and wrinkling, and sagging, and smelly, and funny and stuff, and then you want a date? [Help this confused male, please.]

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