
DaSauce - 2003-02-21 21:41:31
Ooooh. Forgot a story! So, you who look at comments get a nice topper (Hands and Minds Where I can See Them Gals!) OK. My youngest sister responded to the letter with a note that he'd be thrilled when he found out that he had a second rocket to play with and that it would indeed fly around in his hand a lot around the time he hit puberty.
Amy - 2003-02-21 21:50:44
You can join - it says in the rules that men are allowed with permission from the manager. That's me. :-) If you really want to join, just submit like normal (depending on if you want to join ring or diary, or both) and there ya go.
golfwidow - 2003-02-22 06:39:14
Got my choked-up on over the Santa letter, but then lost it cracking my shit up over the inflatable church. My ultimate goal: to fill one of those puppies with helium, let it fly up to Heaven, and let God figure out what to do with it.

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