
trinity63 - 2003-04-24 00:11:03
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You are one funny man. Funny funny funny:) I am so glad that I found your diary through the award process:)
the_cat - 2003-04-24 00:27:34
Hokay, shushing here.
ali - 2003-04-24 02:53:49
aw, shucks...*feeling all warm and happy*...thanks, Sauce!
Stephanie - 2003-04-24 07:38:39
Shoe size 13?? Swoon.
Nikki - 2003-04-24 07:58:42
'Bout freakin' time! Harem king, I enjoyed your answers. *insert cheeky grin here* Your diary is a high 'Net point for me daily.
DaSquirmySauce - 2003-04-24 16:01:50
OK. Gotta fess on something. The Harem King comment above gave me the willies. I hope not. I truly do. What is is about a Single Guy That Attracts that kind of comment? Scaring me. Makes me want to run away from doing stuff like this and stick to the parenting part. Disclaimer on the above ends.
cynthea - 2003-04-24 17:52:51
Now it's time for you to take trancejen's sex survey! That should be an interesting journal entry ...

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