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2002-12-28 --- 4:30 p.m.

A Bit of Friendly Lubrication


The topic is not sex.

Nor booze.

But, a bit of a throw back to the Bimbo Barbie bit where I noted that my politics were an easy single sentence.

Try to live that and raise a child that will live that way as well. Go ahead. Dare ya. [Well I rhetorically dare you at the moment. But you get the gist�]

For those of you lazy enough to want a reprint rather than being willing to go to the page labeled with B�s�the sentence sounded terribly liberal and libertarian. It went something like this:

'Allow me to do as I damned well please, as long as I don�t inflict myself on your right to do the same.' Guess the hardest part of this? (For those incredibly independent fillips of sole who try to live those words?)

Common-phucking-courtesy. Knowing when your actions are going to have impact and literally impede or displease or just discombobulate-those-around-you is difficult at best.

We are all dichotomous�but I may be more aware of my partings on the path�. Some of them go like this:

I like to listen to very loud music�but I hate to annoy the neighbors.

I (when able and feeling frisky AND seeing good road conditions) drive very fast�but I don�t want to endanger anyone else.

I love to laugh my ass off at the expense of others�but I try Never to hurt feelings.

It feels great being naked�but not-making-others-uncomfortable lands on equal or greater stead in my life.

And so on.


I am overly polite. Possibly right up to and past the edge of smartass. I am cautious to an incredible degree not to annoy/spindle/or mutilate anyone else.

Being a gentleman, paying attention, and having a reasonable work-ethic are the three things that have made my life easiest. And all of them donate well to the single political statement above.

As the discussion is parenting with sometime introspection�this all leads to my son. I am raising a gentleman (not in the sad, English-must/mustn�t/have-to-wear-a-morning-coat/tails/or-a-frigging-frock-coat at the appropriate time, way.) My gentleman has good table manners (for a five year old.) He holds doors for others. He says excuse me when he farts, interrupts, wants to interrupt, steps on someone, or is confused about what someone is saying. He lowers the toilet seat. He tries to be patient. He is kind to others and tries to understand and act understanding and calm when they are not kind to him. He returns shopping carts so additional humans can use them. He tries not to be a tattle-tale (unless life threatening or harmful to those around him.)

As he gets older�I�d hope that he�ll be the type of human that offers a bed-partner cold water immediately after heavy exertion and is willing to leap up and get a warm wash-cloth or a dry towel or both (not out-of-ICK over bodily fluids but out of a loving-kindness AND anothers comfort and joy.)

Paying attention means actually listening to others when they are speaking to you rather than waiting to finish your point or get a word in edgewise (and that would also be polite of him.) Listening enough to be able to answer their questions or do your best in that regard (which by the way will be a rant about parenting at some point�as JUST A FEW parents NEVER fucking listen to their children or answer their questions�assholes.)

A reasonable work-ethic starts with doing your share (so that others don�t have to) and TADA! also means thinking about fairness and politeness.

I want to be able to do as I please, and if I am seen to offer that same option to those around me I mostly can. Thus, I have decided to call common-courtesy the lubricant that allows us to pass each other gently as we go through our days.

And what�s best? I think he gets it. And more? As a result, it is fun.


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