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2002-12-31 --- 7:25 p.m.

DisRobe, DatRobe, RobeNhood

Normally I won�t riff on the content of sites that sell things.


Really, I do.

But�in traveling through future DVD releases on Amazon (three for me�one for DaKid,) I just about split a gut laughing (and just about ruined a keyboard phlegming.)

Why, you ask? [Looking dutiful.]

Well, I�ll tell ya. [sez I.]

On the item selected and placed in shopping cart screen for the DVD area�Amazon notes that Customers Who Wear Clothes Shopped For:

Now, I know that the nudist demographic in DaSauce�s fledgling readership is looking confused�but trust me on this�it is FUNNY to the rest of us who have garb enclosing our flesh on a daily basis.


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