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2003-02-26 --- 19:08

Da Pause Dat Refreshes�And Dis Boy Has Big Paws

As the diarist of record for this little chunk of unreal-estate, DatSauceGuy is going to take a bit of time and use his newfound SuperDuperExtraSensoryBoyIntrospection (feeble at best) talents and put them to good use.

So, please note that there is nothing-serious-or-major wrong in world DaSauce and DaBoy. There are a few things that need to be puzzled past�and thus this GoofBall Of A Male is going to delve into the Klein Bottle/Gordian Knot that is his stench-filled Boy Psyche� and see what comes out.

In all probability, you�ll find that we are back to our regularly scheduled daily update joy by Sunday or Monday at the latest. But in the meantime, YerSauce will not post, engage in D-Land e-mule, or (gasp) read his various faves (and those who have favoritized him.) This is on purpose, but you can expect that on resumption of all things Sauce-Like, your resolute dabbler in useless mutterings will be certain to catch up on the diaries of those who seem to brighten his days significantly.

For those of you with an ongoing need to FIX things, there is nothing outside of normal-everyday-intriguing-moral-conundrums, decisions about future work efforts (and perhaps locales), with an incredibly, and undeniably lovely side-smattering of interestingly unusual peaked (piqued? grin) interest flavored-up-with-a-strong-dash of the adage First Do No Harm.

None of this will end up in yon diary, and there is not a durned thing that anyone else can to assist, but thanks for thinking about it.

In the passing meanwhile:

*You are more-than-welcome to look for wonderful new diarists to tell YerSauce about on his return.

*It might be fun for those of you who are just joining the daily march through KnuckleheadLand� or have recently done so to leap back to entry one in Older (above) and read through the mess-O'-text-that-is-this-journal, in order.

*Do note that some very kind and clearly demented human managed to nominate My Dumb Ass� for a Diarist.Net Award (which you�ll see below) and some-bizarre-quirk-of-fate-and-utter-stupidity (grin) has pushed this particular human into the finals FOR MOST DRAMATIC ENTRY?!? So, do click on that thing and go read the other wonderful and deserving finalists and give them your vote.

*DaKiddo and his dad are doing their normal daily dealing with this joy and wonder (and lived to its fullest) thing called life�and there are certain to be little guy stories galore in the offing on return.

*Lovingly made meals are continuing as we speak.

*Books are being read.

*All remains part and parcel with the daily ritual DaSauce, minus a few updates (and since this diary is well under 90 days old and well over 90 entries, you can just consider this a happy averaging.)

*To tease the readership, please know that sometime soon after resumption of all things DAIRYLand you�ll get a really cool peek at a discussion between a boy and his dad about not talking about penises at school� A silly but well-taken discussion that included a description of WHY bodily-functions are private in most of the world and the kindness to others one uses and displays by keeping them such. Further, a funny little quip about the term Bodily Functions from Daboy who noted that it sounded a lot like �Bottled Funk.� Which in retrospect seems very wise and appropriate.

Thank you. Write at you soon.


1 comments so far
Weird Link of the Day: Link? To the below and left. Vote for the deserving.
Reading: Reading Bunches, Promise.
What's Cooking: Good Foods A-Plenty

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Diarist Awards 2002 Quarter Four Winner - Best Dramatic Entry

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