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Get Your Own Diaryland Diary
2003-04-23 --- 20:41

As Requested� So Shush Already. Geez.

Since I put up a survey, a number of folks�most of whom haven�t even taken it (dorks) have been hitting me up daily to fill it out.

Thus today�s entry. Hey! Doyle? I�ll fill yer damned thing out tomorrow. Chill. Grin.


Here goes (hope I wrote some less-than-dull-questions.)

1. Why do you have a diary?

Wow! What a great question. Sheesh. I really am a dolt, eh? Why. Hrm. Last December after I had completed the most recent relationship DaSauce, I started doing a lot more writing again for the first time in a number of years. And the results were good. But, there was a feeling that as much as I loved doing the scribbling I was doing in the evenings after work, that I was getting sick of using the same voice. Thus, I started a search. The looking led to various�and among them were lots of blog-like things (but, I�ve read Web-Lists and Comments about them for years including SlashDot.) So I didn�t want to do that. Then I started looking at the diary and journal stuff available� and this particular piece of UnRealEstate looked easiest to work with. So. I signed up. On signing up and sitting down to write a profile and a first entry�I realized that with my very wide range of interests and wealth of completely useless knowledge�I might well be keeping a mess instead of a diary. So, I pondered for as long as a �SauceLikeHuman can (a couple of minutes) and decided to deal with the two things that were the hardest in my life. Being an only parent (no matter how much love and fulfillment rides along beside it) is tough as shit? Introspection (as I view it) or trying to puzzle past the WHY I do things or wish for some moments is all awash in my Y-Chromosomal-Disability. Boys don�t do introspection well as a rule and this boy in particular SUCKS at it. So, I chose the two most difficult things I could think of and ran with it. The title, sort of reflects that, as partly the style is balls-to-the-wall Gonzo at its worst, and I am a deeply unusual parent as I take it so very seriously�but with such simultaneous glee.

2. What is the most fulfilling aspect of keeping a journal?

Being able to gel some of my own thoughts by jamming through the ten to fifteen minutes I put in a day. I never sit down with a plan (or very rarely as I have done some To Be Continued Style Entries.) And thus, half the time, I am into the title before I know what the hell is going on the page and I just let it flow without edit. This may make some of my shitty and dull thought processes hard to read sometimes? And for that O� Readers, I am sorry. But all in all it is for me.

3. Do you share your diary with friends/family?

Hell, no. No way.

4. If yes, why? If not, why not?

I am a very private person. And the content includes info about my son�s mom that they don�t need to hear. It includes thoughts about sexuality that would normally remain in the private realm, and it just generally is for myself and those who get giggles out of reading it.

5. What is the biggest gas about reading other folk�s diaries?

I genuinely like people. It is fun to read other peep�s thoughts. Some days it just reminds me that no matter how tough my efforts have been of late, other persons have a stronger struggle.

6. Have you made pals while doing the diary thing?

Yes. Yes. And Yes.

7. Online only pals? Or in person pals? Both?

Mostly online. I have talked to a number of these folks on the phone� and have caught up with one of them (to my great joy and newfound Friend status�which is something I don�t share easily.) And I have done so publicly in DaDiary.

8. While reading other journals, have you CRUSHED on anyone whom you have only read text from? If yes, was it worth the probable unrequited interest?

Shit yeah. You don�t have all the RealWorld Issues when you read someone�s stuff and it gives you wood of the noggin and the pants kind. And yes. It is always pleasant to think about fun stuff, even if one doesn�t always share it. And sometimes it is equally fun/right to share it. So there.

9. If YerSauce asked nicely? Would you just brighten some random human�s day by telling them something you appreciate about their diary next and if so, how? And you can cut and paste their email addy or diary addy here if you do not remember it--just by revisiting your survey later. Really. Do it. Please?

Certainly. There is a young woman graduating soon from college who has been a joy to begin a friendship with (in the very few conversations we�ve thrown back and forth via comments and emails.) You�ll find her at: Visit her. She appears to be a swell human.

10. Do you care about stats? If so, why, and if not why not?

Nope. Not at all. It is intriguing to see what folks have read the most, and thus the top seven below. But this isn�t about Clix or Votes for me. It is about the diary.

11. Have you learned anything about yourself while doing this odd-form of textual intercourse?

Tons. Including the fact that I could seriously crush on a dame I had never even met, that I actually was willing to consider a relationship again well before the coming decade ended, that I could get a kick out of doing this and Re-Up twice. [So far for new readers, I did this for Thirty days initially. Then another Sixty. Now Another 120. This may be a finite timeframe diary and not a lifelong project.]

12. Had enough of the serious questions yet? Want to answer one that wasn�t asked by inserting your own question and answer for the hell of it before we go off on Silly Questions And T.M.I. related shit?

Yes. Damn. Who wrote this piece of bat shit? Oh. Yeah. Me. OK. Question: What size are your feets, Sauce? 13 U.S. thanks for asking.

13. Do you play videogames and if so why and if not why the hell not, as DaDullardDiarist wants to keep making a good income?

Yup. And it cuts into his income sometimes as he supports his own industry more than many folks he knows. Grin.

14. Porn? Fun? Ugly? Couples activity? Silly story about such?

Hrm. That is an in the moment kind of thing for this boy. I am visually stimulated (as are most of us Y-Carriers) but fake body parts and fake orgasms make me cringe and want to barf. There is nothing fun about watching false effort of any sort here. Whether it is someone moaning or just a recording artist who lip-syncs. It all seems too much of a time waster. Periodically there is a film that gets my attention as it is clearly two (or more) folks having a GREAT time. And folks having fun? That is lovely. Ugly in that some people have habits to keep up and pay for them with their bod. Couples activity only if SHE wishes� but the oddest thing is the number of gals I have heard talking about Andrew Blake as the be-all and the end all. His stuff? Shiny. Glossy. Shot on film. Too much make-up. Fake, fake, fake� and worse, he actually cuts out all female orgasms. There is something both MTV about the phucker and deeply wrong with cutting away as a gal is about to start coming.

15. Oddest meal you have ever had?

Man. I eat ANYTHING. As listed in Entry 69, you�ll note that only three things are on my To Avoid Foods List. So� oddest? Mud-Baked Fruit Bat? It was yummy but bony�similar to bony on the level of eating squab, but more mammalian in flavor.

16. Wanna be a parent? Why? And if you are? What�s the most fulfilling aspect of such?

I am. Most fulfilling? A happy kid. And mine appears very happy. That�s all that really counts. If I can prepare him for the planet� help him to understand what being a good person is about, and leave him with a grin? Worth every minute. Besides, as he is still just under two months away from age six, the cuddles continue to rock and I�ll miss them when he feels he�s outgrown such.

17. Worst book you have read in the past six months? Why did you finish it?

Hrm. The most recent Owen DeathStalker-esque (as Owen is gone) book. It was highly anticipated and less than fulfilling. Why did I finish since I leave half read or third read books behind all the time? I have loved every other one, and expected better.

18. The Internet� What are the three things you like best about having access?

Asynchronous communication is the phucking SHIT! Other than that? Instant info. Just add computer. And that is getting better and better. 12 years ago it sucked. Five years ago it was passable. And soon we�ll have stuff like the whole Library of Congress available and at the ready. Lastly? It is the finest innovation on Freedom of Speech thing since Gutenberg�s press came along. Now if we could find a way to make all folks safe while removing the anonymity of it (like an encoded second personage AKA?) As there are too many idiots out there who find that being anonymous means they can be shitty to those around them and I live for common courtesy.

19. Head or Coitus?

Ooooh. Sex question. Both please? But, as a foodie? Smell and taste and texture really, really, really, extra-really get into my noggin� and as someone with slight D (as in D/s) tendencies. Giving head is powerful.

20. Do you sleep with clothing on? If so why? If not why not?

Sometimes and it is always a nightshirt if so. I grew up in Vermont, so L.L. Cool Bean Nightshirts in various Scottish plaids rock.

21. Ever had an if-I-could-get-paid-for-fantasy about doing something totally outside your daily job world and if so, what was it?

Every job fantasy I have ever had has been fulfilled but one. I wanted to go to Julliard School of Acting as a kid. I did a lot of stage work in my childhood�and enjoyed it very much. I had leads in a number of plays�and I liked the depth of concentration and general out-of-body feel.

22. What did you most like about your parents?

[Digression. A number of folks have asked why past tense here? The rationale was that once you are out of their household, you ideally, have a lot less input and control from them, and I wanted the question to be something that was predeparture on the reader�s part. Digression ends.] My parents gave me all the tools I�d ever need to be an independent individual. They taught me to speak properly. They gave me manners. They gave me love to the best of their abilities at the time. That was enough. And yes, they are both very much alive and I love them deeply. But, my relationship with them improved with distance and time.

23. Dislike about them?

Oooh. That is a list. My dad? Thought love was money and his workaholic efforts were enough. Wait. That wasn�t fair. He did about fifty percent better in the warm and fuzzy category than his dad. And I wished for more. My mom? She wore rose-colored glasses that lead on a regular basis to near-breakdown-status due to reality visiting hard. She�s grown since then. Some. Grin.

24. Got any suggestions for an Only Parent Who Wants To Help His Kiddo Have A Chance At A Happy Life?

Yup. Keep plugging O�Sauce. Baby steps.

25. If you had to lose one of your five senses which one and why?

NONE. I WANT THEM ALL. But it would be sight� as it is apt to be the most misleading (and this from someone who makes his living using his sight largely.)

26. Wanna give anyone shit just because it�ll feel good and anyone reading this may or may not know or care about the human you are dumping upon?

Yeah! Ashcroft? Lick my ass. Freedom is hurting thanks to your completely phucked perception of our Bill of Rights.

7 comments so far
Weird Link of the Day: For John Ashcroft
Reading: Rereading A Princess Of Mars, (my original first, carefully)
What's Cooking: Leftover Ham Stuff And Green Beans.

recent entries:

DaSauce Top Se7enStatHoz
(DaTermIned By DaStats)
1. How This Oafish Boy Became An Only Parent
2. Erectile (T)Issues
3. DaSauce Explains All Males (really!)
4. Sauce Tries To Explain What IN-LOVE Means To Him
5. A Moment Of Truth For DaSauce
6. Would you, Could You With A Goat?
7. Sauce Soixante Neuf
Diarist Awards 2002 Quarter Four Winner - Best Dramatic Entry

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